Making a college list can be an emotional time for college-bound families. There are many variables When your student sits down to compose a viable college list. Here's how to get started.
When students choose colleges, they should choose colleges in the following categories:
- Reach: An individual's GPA and test scores fall below the average scores and GPA for the typical student the university admits. Chances of acceptance are not guaranteed, but it is okay to apply.
- Match: An individual's GPA and test scores fall within the average scores and GPA for the typical student the university admits. Acceptance isn't necessarily guaranteed, but chances are increased.
- Safety: An individual's GPA and test scores are above the average scores and GPA for the typical student the university admits. Individuals can feel more at ease knowing their chances of being admitted are higher than a reach or match school. Students shouldn’t be afraid to aim for top schools because they feel they may not get accepted; however, keep in mind the costs, including tuition and fees, for each institution, as well as the amount of aid for which students from a similar family income receive on average.
Including safety schools among a student’s list of institutions enables the student to take chances on also applying to more selective colleges. While these institutions are selective and may provide a great education, students should apply to schools where they feel the fit is right, which will improve chances of admission.
Students shouldn’t be afraid to aim for top schools because they feel they may not get accepted; however, keep in mind the costs, including tuition and fees, for each institution, as well as the amount of aid for which students from a similar family income receive on average. Including safety schools among a student’s list of institutions enables the student to take chances on also applying to more selective colleges. While these institutions are selective and may provide a great education, students should apply to schools where they feel the fit is right, which will improve chances of being successful.
After building and narrowing the list of colleges and universities, students should turn their attention to the process of applying. The key to a successful application cycle is to stay organized, keep track of deadlines, and seek help or advice when needed. Collegiate Learning enjoys helping young people make college lists that target their academic, leadership and extracurricular achievements so that they can build a strong college list.